"I'm Not Exhausted Anymore!" Thanks To Working with Dr. 韦斯顿 - Donaldson Plastic Surgery-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网

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“I’m Not Exhausted Anymore!” Thanks To Working with Dr. 韦斯顿


I am Alison and I am a patient of Dr. 韦斯顿的. And I came to her really from a friend recommendation because I was talking about how I was not feeling good and I was exhausted all the time. I weighed the most that I’d ever made in my life, I just really wanted to feel better in my own skin.

And so I came to Dr. 韦斯顿 and I have been seeing her for about six months and I’m not exhausted anymore. I feel much better in my own skin. I’ve lost 20 pounds. I still have a little bit more to go, 但总而言之, I feel great and I’m so grateful because she gave me a huge purpose and a great deal of happiness back into my life.